The article is from 2018 and doesn't go into detail about the extent of the fantasy, but 58% of men fantasize about cuckolding . Which isn't really all that surprising to me. What is surprising is why wifesharing, hotwifing, cuckolding, MFM threesomes, and anything else involving a woman being sexual with more than one man is still seen as being so wrong and taboo in our society. Even though it's more common to fantasize about female partners being with other men than to not, neither men nor women are usually very eager to admit as much for a host of reasons. You're more likely to be met with a shoulder shrug if you say that you think FMF is appealing. Perhaps most significantly, the cited study found that cuckolding actually tends to be positive, both in fantasy and behavior. "Overall, our research found that for the most part, cuckolding tends to be a positive fantasy and behavior," said [clinical psychologist and author of Insatiable Wives , David] Ley. ...
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