For those who don't know, reclamation sex is when a woman has sex with her partner immediately after coming home from having sex with someone else. As perhaps dated and possessive as the term's origin may sound, the man is "reclaiming" what is his and taking it back for himself. For a lot of couples who practice swinging/hotwifing/wifesharing/MFMs, the reclamation sex is a big deal. The couple may view the reclamation sex as a reaffirmation of their commitment to one another. A physical reminder that no one has been replaced by a third party and that the sex was recreational, not emotional - it was something that was only to add to the experience shared by the primary couple. Until today, my husband and I have always had the reclamation sex, even though I didn't really consciously know that that's what it was at first. The first time I had sex with another guy while he waited at home for me, I just wanted to feel that same closeness with him. I wanted to feel...
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