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Preview: On His Orders

Book Cover for On His Orders, a Slutwife and Hotwife MFM erotica
Book Cover for On His Orders 

A preview for my second publication, On His Orders: Faithfully Unfaithful, is below. It is now available for pre-order on Amazon with a release date of July 24, 2020.


Come over after class today.” His text was the first thing I saw when I woke up that morning. “I promised I’d deliver. I have your first duty as a slutwife.


“Are you ready for your first instruction?” he asked me.

It finally felt completely real. My heart raced, beating as though it were up in my throat once more. I knew I was nervous, but I was more excited than anything. It was an absolute dream to have a sexy boyfriend who wanted his hobby to be finding me sexy men to fuck in front of him. I licked my lips to respond but found words to be elusive and merely nodded my head instead.

“Good,” he said. “Get naked.” 

I paused briefly and my heart seemed to beat even harder. I’m not a natural exhibitionist and no guy had ever seen me naked before seeing me with clothes on. “Seriously?” I asked.

“Yes. And quickly!” He managed to both scowl and smirk at the same time at my disobedience.

“Are you sure you’re into this? If you’re going to do what you’re told, you don’t have much time,” he told me after watching my initial hesitation.

I knew I was into this and wanted to do it right. Without thinking any more, I peeled my tank top over my head and unhooked my bra. I slid both my sweatpants and panties off at the same time in one swift motion, completing the transition from fully clothed to completely naked in less than ten seconds. I had been naked in his living room many times, but as I waited for the arrival of a complete stranger, I had never felt so exposed. 

“Good girl. You do want that second dick,” he said. 

He was right. I hadn’t fucked another guy since meeting my boyfriend five months ago and I had been going stir-crazy over it for several weeks already.

“We’re going to stay in the living room today. Put your clothes in your backpack and then put your backpack in the bedroom closet. Close all the doors on your way back – I want you as far away from your clothes as possible.”

I didn’t hesitate this time and it felt astonishingly freeing. I hurriedly stuffed my clothes tightly into my bag and zipped it shut before bringing it down the hall and into his bedroom. The closet door was waiting open for me and I wasted no time in shutting my bag inside. I shut his bedroom door behind me and got back to the living room as quickly as I could. I practically ran on my way to and back from his bedroom, his earlier admonishment that I didn’t have much time ringing in my ears the entire way. 

I stood next to my boyfriend and eagerly waited in silence. We were both so still and quiet that I imagined I could hear my heartbeat, the sound of its rhythmic pounding punctuated over the sound of my nervous breathing. But it only took a few seconds before I heard a light knocking at the front door. I didn’t even see my boyfriend buzz our guest into the building. 

The sound of Josh’s knuckles connecting with the only thing separating my naked body from the eyes and hands of a complete stranger echoed around in my head as if it were trapped there, increasing in volume and intensity every time it seemed to rattle back through the silence of my thoughts. His knocking was my first concrete indication that Josh was real. Until then, becoming a slutwife was little more than a fun fantasy.

I looked to my boyfriend, who merely nodded in my direction before looking towards the door. He didn’t speak, but we both knew what I was expected to do.

My heart was still beating as hard as ever, though now it was due at least as much to nerves as to excitement. I walked very carefully to the front door, stepping lightly as though afraid to make any noise. The room felt like it was beginning to spin, and I moved slowly, like I was trying to walk under water. When I finally reached the front door, I paused and took a deep breath, knowing that fantasy would be replaced by reality the second I opened the door. 

As I reached for the handle, my boyfriend’s voice called out, quietly giving me one further instruction. 

“Pull the door all the way open. Don’t just open it up a crack.”

I looked down at my naked body, in awe of what I was about to do. I had woken up that day thinking it was going to be a regular day just like any other. It was astounding how quickly things had changed. 

I knew I couldn’t wait for long before opening the door, though. If I did, I was afraid I would lose my nerve entirely. Taking one more quick, deep breath, I steadied myself and turned the door handle before pulling the door all the way open.


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About Me

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Alicia Stills
I am a busy wife and mother who has been writing for most of my life. Beginning in May of 2020, I have finally started the process of publishing some of the items I have written. Most of my writings are focused in the romance and erotica genres, particularly those that feature women who are romantically or physically involved with two (or more) men. Most of my stories are purely of my own imagination, although many are inspired to some degree by my own experiences. I took a hiatus from writing for myself when I enrolled in grad school and it took me several years after graduation to start writing again. Even then, I only decided to start publishing my work after receiving encouragement from my husband. While my stories are often an expression of fantasy, I strive to create realistic characters and feasible situations. I feel as though readers are able to become more invested in a story when they can picture everything occurring. As far as I’ve been able to determine, all pictures are being used appropriately on this blog. If I’ve incorrectly used a picture that belongs to you, please let me know as it was not intentional.